Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Feel free to browse our frequently asked questions (FAQ) to find out more about your booking, your travel itinerary or the where and when.

If your question is not answered, do not hesitate to drop us a message on our WhatsApp at +6013 888 9834 or drop us an email at [email protected]

Before you book

We adopt a 3 step booking process to ensure it is easy for you to make a booking with us.

Step 1

Add your contact details.

Step 2

Choose your date, time, and your destination.

Step 3

Choose your passenger and luggage details. our fleet of vehicles that best suit your journey

and its done!

We would require your name, the exact address for us to pick you and drop off. These are the 3 mandatory information required. You may add additional pick up address if more then 1 pick up point is required. You may also add your flight details if an airport pick up is required to provide a better booking experience with us.

No worries. Click on our request a quote form and we will get you sorted.

Quote request form ->

We will collect 50% payment when we pick you up from your pick up point. The balance 50% will be collected when we have reached your destination.

Yes you can. All you need to do is insert the 2nd pick up point address during your booking process and our driver will be informed on such arrangement.

Before you travel

Your luggage entitlement is listed clearly in our fleet description before making a booking. 

On the specified pick up time. Do meet our driver at the address location you have set during the booking process. It is recommended that you wait for us at a easy to spot location such as your lift lobby.

If you require an airport pickup, do wait for us outside the arrival gate and lookout for your name on a board that our driver will be holding.

This rarely happens. However for certain unforeseen circumstances, you may give us a call at +6013 888 9834 or WhatsApp us on the same number to inform us and we will right with you shortly.

Do contact us via WhatsApp @ +6013 888 9834 and we will be able arrange a new available fleet for you.

You may use the link below to check travel distance and approximate travel duration. Do add an additional 30-45 minutes for any unforeseen circumstances such as traffic situation on the actual day.


Link ->

Booking submitted

Thank you for your submission. Please note that your booking submission does not constitute a confirmation. We will contact you within 24 hours to confirm on your booking. If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at +6013 888 9834.